
This page lists some RevKit specific documentation. Many parts of this documentation were contributed from Aldo Sayeg.

Input and output

In general, in order to create an instance of a data structure in RevKit we need to load the data structure from a file in a format that describes the data structure. Expressions and truth tables are the only structure that can be created inside of Revkit by using the expr and the tt command, respectively.

The data structures can often also be written to the same file format. The following table lists all of the data structures’ read and write commands used in RevKit along with a short decription.

Data structure Format Read command Write command Description
Reversible circuits REAL read_real write_real Reversible circuit representation using different gates as basis. Part of RevLib supported formats.
Reversible specification SPEC read_spec write_spec Truth table of a reversible circuit. Part of RevLib supported formats.
Binary decision diagram PLA read_pla write_pla Sum of products representation of a Boolean function.
AND-inverter graph AIGER read_aiger write_aiger Format developed for the AIGER utilities.
AND-inverter graph Verilog read_verilog -a write_verilog -a Parses whatever can be read with ABC‘s %read command.
AND-inverter graph Bench read_bench   Format developed for traditional circuits as part of ABC.
XOR-majority graph Verilog read_verilog -x write_verilog -x Simple single-statement assignment Verilog file.

Adding a command to RevKit

This tutorial explains how to integrate a new simple command into RevKit. As an example, a command called unopt is implemented, that copies gate in a reversible circuit without modifying the functionality.

CirKit provides utility scripts in order to create new files easily. We create a file for the new command using the following script:

./utils/ cli/commands/unopt reversible

Note, that the first argument is the path to the filename without the src/ in the beginning and without an extension in the end. Two files, a header and a source file, are created. The second parameter ensures that the files are created for the RevKit add-on. The third parameter is optional and can have a name of the file author. If not specified, the name is fetched from the user’s git configuration.

The header file in addons/cirkit-addon-reversible/src/cli/commands/unopt.hpp contains already some skeleton code and we extend it as follows (all comments are omitted in the code):

// unopt.hpp

#include <cli/cirkit_command.hpp>

namespace cirkit

class unopt_command : public cirkit_command
  unopt_command( const environment::ptr& env );
  rules_t validity_rules() const;

  bool execute();

  unsigned copies = 1u;



We define a command with the base class cirkit_command. It is important that the class name is unopt_command to be used in later code that makes use of macros and relies on some naming conventions. Two methods need to be implemented, the constructor that will set up the arguments which can be passed to the command, and execute which executes the code and calls our algorithm. We also implement the method validity_rules to ensure that the store contains at least one reversible circuit when calling the command. More details on how to write commands can be found in the abc_cli example program.

// unopt.cpp
#include "unopt.hpp"

#include <alice/rules.hpp>
#include <cli/reversible_stores.hpp>
#include <core/utils/program_options.hpp>
#include <reversible/target_tags.hpp>
#include <reversible/functions/copy_metadata.hpp>

namespace cirkit

unopt_command::unopt_command( const environment::ptr& env )
  : cirkit_command( env, "unoptimize circuits" )
    ( "copies,c", value_with_default( &copies ), "number of gate copies" )

  add_new_option(); /* adds a flag --new, or -n that can be used to add a new
                       store entry instead of overwriting it */

command::rules_t unopt_command::validity_rules() const
  return {has_store_element<circuit>( env )};

bool unopt_command::execute()
  auto& circuits = env->store<circuit>(); /* access store with reversible circuits */

  /* reference to current circuit, and new circuit with same properties */
  const auto& circ = circuits.current();
  circuit circ_new;
  copy_metadata( circ, circ_new );

  for ( const auto& g : circ )     /* iterate through the gates */
    circ_new.append_gate() = g;    /* copy existing gate */
    if ( is_toffoli( g ) )         /* some more copies, if gate is Toffoli */
      for ( auto i = 0u; i < 2u * copies; ++i )
        circ_new.append_gate() = g;

  extend_if_new( circuits ); /* extend store by empty element if --new option is set */
  circuits.current() = circ_new;

  return true; /* always return true */


The function should always return true.

We are almost done. Next, we add the command to the RevKit executable. For this purpose, open the file addons/cirkit-addon-reversible/programs/reversible/revkit.cpp and add the following header, where other headers are included:

#include <cli/commands/unopt.hpp>

And then add the command in the same style as other commands are added using:

ADD_COMMAND( unopt );

That’s it. We rebuild RevKit with:

make -C build revkit

and then call it to try out the new command:

revkit> read_spec -p "0 4 2 1 0 3 7 5"
revkit> tbs
[i] run-time: 0.00 secs
revkit> ps -c
Lines:        3
Gates:        7
T-count:      21
Logic qubits: 4
revkit> unopt
revkit> ps -c
Lines:        3
Gates:        21
T-count:      63
Logic qubits: 4


Here are some suggestions for exercises (with a difficulty estimation from 0–50) to extend the add-on.

  1. [25] Copy all gates which are self-inverse in this manner based on a syntactic comparison.