
Requirements and dependencies

The following software is required in order to build CirKit

  • git
  • cmake (at least version 3.0.0)
  • g++ (at least version 4.9.0) or clang++ (at least version 3.5.0)
  • boost (at least version 1.56.0)
  • GNU MP, and its C++ interface GMP++
  • GNU readline

Installing dependencies in Ubuntu Linux

In Ubuntu the packages can be installed with:

sudo apt-get install build-essential git g++ cmake libboost-all-dev libgmp3-dev libxml2-dev zlib1g-dev lapack openblas

Installing dependencies in Arch Linux

In arch the packages can be installed with:

sudo pacman -S base-devel git g++ cmake boost boost-libs gmp libxml2 zlib lapack

Installing dependencies in Mac OS

In Mac it’s recommended to use Homebrew to install the required packages:

brew install boost cmake gmp readline git lapack openblas

Build and run CirKit

After extracting or cloning CirKit perform the following steps:

mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..
make external
make cirkit

CirKit can be executed with:


Build and Run RevKit

After extracting or cloning CirKit perform the following steps:

mkdir build
cd build
cmake -Denable_cirkit-addon-reversible=ON -Denable_cirkit-addon-formal=ON ..
make external
make revkit

RevKit can be executed with:



No recent cmake version

If for some reason only older versions of cmake are available on the system, you can install cmake using utils/ install cmake directly from CirKit. Afterwards update the $PATH variable by typing export PATH=<path-to-cirkit>/ext/bin:$PATH.

Libraries not found

It’s best to set the environment variable CIRKIT_HOME to the directory of CirKit using:

export CIRKIT_HOME=<full-path-to-cirkit>

or some other command depending on the user’s shell. Also, sometimes depending libraries are not found, then run:


in Linux or:


in Mac OS.

No recent Boost version

There is a manual way to install Boost and CirKit’s package manager can help. Before installing CirKit run:

mkdir build
./utils/ install boost
cd build
cmake -DBoost_NO_SYSTEM_PATHS=TRUE -DBOOST_ROOT:PATHNAME=`pwd`/tools/boost_1_63_0/ ..
make external
make cirkit

Of course, one can add further options to the cmake command in the fourth line, e.g., to build RevKit.